Sunday, January 30, 2011
I won't let it end as a dream,
The wind gently caresses my cheeks,
Clouds drift in the blue sky,
On days like this I remember,
The days we spent laughing together,
Even if we're far apart,
I want you to remember,
On tearful days you have a friend here,
To share your pain with,
The future will begin to change color,
With strong faith,
No matter how many detours you take,
I know someday you'll get there,
We talked til dawn on the phone,
Forgetting the passage of time,
You always gave me courage,
With your casual words,
So we don't regret the present, which will never come again,
Let's not look back at the hurt in our past...
I won't give up our distant love,
I won't let it end as a dream,
The eternal light everyone searches for,
Is surely in your hands,..
Posted by MiSS SpONgEy at 5:22 AM 0 comments
Posted by MiSS SpONgEy at 5:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 28, 2011
*SeAwAL paGI kU dah KacO KAwaN kU...
X PsaL2 Nya KnK bUlak PAGi..laA..cIAN nYA eWh..heheex..
p bKn PA,kU iNdU nak KcO nYA sBnRnYA..lMk Nya X da SA sUnyIk LiFe DAH..cEhh...hEhEx
mCm SeLALU kU salU LpK..,arY tOwQ Ku lPk Yg Ku PNah PdH nGAN some1 Ya Yg nO mK 2 sMA kAT 4 ANgKA hUjuNg Nya..hUh..MuN kU jadI nYA fEduD jAwQ la LyN oRg CAM ku tOwQ!!
pTg Nya Gk Ku kNk Ngan Pc BoDo!!!SeTElah SeMua Yg Ku PolAH tUp2 Nya HlG sEmUA...x KA panGAI palAK..tHATz mY sEcOnD mIsTAKeS...HuHux..
mLm Ya Ku KlUAr Ngan My ayAH n My bRo...eVeN pNAT2 PuN kU sTiL naK kUwAr..PA abG kU pDh..DAsAR kakI jaLAn!!HAHAx..Ku PlH mKa 2 pOseN nGan Nya...LuCu..
HoNesTlY.kU BNyAK pLh MiStakEs ARy ToWq eWh!!!!!OMG...CamnEy ka ARy IsNiN tK..HuHux
Posted by MiSS SpONgEy at 5:47 AM 2 comments
Thursday, January 27, 2011
FiRsT daY WaT bLoG
*fIrST daY kU bUAt BlOg.MuLa2 ya SuSAH wAq naK StarT PlH nYA..Coz BnYAK gLk BnDA mOwQ dPlH!!2 CoMPliCatEd..hEhEx...p LmK2 dah oK daH...Ku PlH bLoG tOwQ lPk cKp 3 oRg KwN kU tNyaK CmToWQ.."kNk Ko x MoWq PlH bLog"..hahax..Laz2 kU wAt WaQ la...HoPe U ALL lIKe bLoG kU yG x BeRAPa Tk..hehex..
Posted by MiSS SpONgEy at 2:58 AM 3 comments